Last Night’s MSN Messenger Conversation with My American, Masochist, Friend Steve

Peter says:

Hi, Steve mate, are you there?

Steve says:


Peter says:

Sorry I took a while, but I had to make Bill a cup of tea. I haven't properly read through that email, that you just sent to me, about you and Mandy’s recent conversations. What were your thoughts and responses, to my new article (this article is entitled : *My Very Important Analysis, of Steve's Email Comments and Response on my Article, about his Masochism and Relationship with his partner Mandy), on your dear self and Mandy, that I sent you earlier today, Steve mate?

Steve says:

I haven't read it yet. I think its something that I have to look at, when I'm in a better mood.

Peter says:

Ah OK, fair enough.

Steve says:

Mandy's bipolar is getting worse, and no one can change her psychiatric medications, because she goes out of control, and I think she is having fewer periods of being civilised.

Peter says:

Ah right. Well, I was saying in the new article*, that whilst most of the verbal, mental, and emotional abuse, is by Mandy towards you - and which she often takes too far - that you often sometimes retaliate and abuse her verbally, mentally, and emotionally too, because she has told me this, and it was coded and in your subtext, in your email reply to my first article about you both, and which I have written about as the main part of my new article about you and Mandy*.

Steve says:

It's retaliation, and it’s inevitable that a human being will snap once, getting a high level of constant morbidity of emotional feedback. She digs deep, and pushes my buttons, and then my mood sky-rockets to angry, and I cant stop, or I don't want to stop. I think its like a kid on a playground, that if you get bullied enough, then you become the bully.

Peter says:

OK, but I don't completely buy that, because I worked out in the analysis and new article*, that this is all to some extent a mutual game, that both you and Mandy play with each other - that you may not be aware that it's a game - and that what's more, all of this is a defence you both use, to not be sexually inviting, because that's part of what you actually said, in your email reply to my first article about you and Mandy.

Steve says:

Regardless of a conscious or subconscious game, I treat her with dignity until my own dignity is robbed. I don't aggress upon her, unless I am first attacked.

Peter says:

OK, I admit that she starts this game, but you both play it as a game, to avoid sexual and emotional intimacy, and to avoid mutual and/or sexual invitation. It's sexual repression by the both of you in a way.

Steve says:

Whatever it is, I know I'm willing to cease these games, but I have no way of approaching her. I keep taking a hellish attitude for hours and hours, until she cycles back to a better mood, and I cant be on Skype (a telephone that workers over the Internet) all day long either.

Peter says:

Yes well, part of the problem, is that you won't show Mandy my latest article* I sent to you earlier tonight, because you don't want her knowing, that you have talked to me about your relationship with her, but you've got to tell her that I'm a high psychology genius - that my analysis in my latest article* about you both, is very thorough and accurate - and that I have the solutions to both your problems. You must do this, and you must read that new article soon, please, Steve mate.

Steve says:

I'll read the article, but if I want to keep her, as I know it will set her off, and she wont understand the article anyway.

Peter says:

Just read the first main part of my new article yourself then, now, as it’s only four or five paragraphs. Can't you just read that bit now? Just the first main part of the analysis, as it will only take you two minutes?

Steve says:

I will read it when I am of a clear mind. I don't feel well physically today, because I drank too much alcohol yesterday.

Peter says:

OK mate, no pressure. Forget about that then. You see, whilst it’s obvious that some people can often just be one-sidedly vitimised, there is nearly always someone who starts an actual psychological and social game, but a game also has to be colluded with or agreed upon by two people.

Steve says:

Yes, I agree.

Peter says:

Both things or aspects are true.

Steve says:

I understand what you are getting at.

Peter says:

Right, well I’m a hundred per-cent convinced now, that I know and have the solutions to all of your and Mandy’s relationship problems, but you have to show her, just that new article I sent you earlier this evening*. You must do this, and take a chance on this, because she might be OK about it, if you tell her in the right way.

Steve says:

I’ll feed her a synopsis of your new article*, but I cant just send it to her, as I don't want to rock the boat.

Peter says:

Why not? What are you frightened of?

Steve says:


Peter says:

OK, I see. Then give Mandy a synopsis of my new article then*, or tell her that you got the article about another couple in a relationship, from a counselling website. Why can't you do that?, because it seems like you’re holding back a bit.

Steve says:

OK, I will.

Peter says:

Good, well do that then, please Steve mate, because Mandy will understand, and she won't twig that I wrote it, and that you have been speaking to me about all this, or if she does, she will turn a blind eye to it - I know her well.

Steve says:

Yes, OK.

Peter says:

OK, good, because all the solutions and accurate analysis, are there in that latest article I sent you earlier tonight*. You don't even have to read the other articles, about you and Mandy, as that’s the key, main, and complete article.

Steve says:

All right.